Home Decor Inspiration

11 Gallery Wall Ideas with Layout Templates

Photo Gallery Wall with Eight Images in Living Room

Creating a Gallery Wall of Photos

Gallery walls are a great way to showcase your favourite photos and pieces of art. They can be designed for any space in your home, from the smallest of bedrooms to the largest of living rooms. Gallery walls are also fantastic for those spaces which can be awkward to decorate, like staircases or hallways. 

We thought it would be fun to feature some of the photos our amazing customers have shared displaying the gallery walls they’ve created. And to help inspire you with your own designs, we’ve also included layout templates for each example, with details of the print or frame sizes. 

Tip: Bookmark this page to come back to when you’re ready to create your own photo gallery wall, or right-click any of the templates to save them (or hold your thumb over the image if you’re on your phone).

Living Room Gallery Wall Ideas

The living room is one of the more popular rooms to create a photo gallery wall, and for good reason! Oftentimes, this space has at least one large wall that acts as the perfect blank canvas for creating a gallery wall. In addition to that, the living room is also a go-to for showcasing favourite photos and art pieces because so much time is spent in this space. It’s only natural that you’d want it to include beautiful decor you’re excited to look at day in and day out! 

Although these layouts would work in nearly any room, here are several gorgeous living room gallery walls. 

Click on any image throughout this post for photo credit.

Living Room Gallery Wall with 8 Photos

Gallery Wall Layout Template Using Eight Photos

Mix & Match Gallery Wall Idea

Gallery Wall Layout Template with 8 Photos and Mirror

Canvas Print Gallery Wall with Three Large Photos

Gallery Wall Layout Template with Three Large Canvas Prints

Living Room Gallery Wall with Three Prints and Decor

Living Room Gallery Wall Layout Template with Three Photos & Metal Decor

Living Room Gallery Wall of Family Photos

Living Room Gallery Wall Layout Template with Four Photos on Two Walls

Living Room Gallery Wall with Four Photos and Large Mirror

Living Room Gallery Wall Layout Template with Four Frames and a Mirror

Entryway, Hallway, & Staircase Gallery Walls

Entryways, hallways, and staircases are often neglected in terms of decorating because they present us with unique challenges, like odd angles or a very narrow space. In fact, we have a whole article dedicated to tips and ideas for arranging pictures in a staircase. 

Check out these hallway and staircase gallery walls for some inspiration.

Staircase Gallery Wall with Six Photos

Staircase Gallery Wall Layout Template with Six Photos

Six Framed Photos Gallery Wall

Gallery Wall Layout Template with Six Framed Photos

A Versatile Photo Gallery Wall Design

Because a gallery wall is a collection of different prints, you can use the same pieces to create a whole new look down the road when you feel like your space needs a refresh. You can rearrange the layout on the same wall, add new prints to the gallery wall overtime, or even break the gallery wall up and display your prints separately throughout your home. Your options are endless! 

This first photo below shows a gallery wall of wedding photos a Posterjack customer shared. The image below the gallery wall template graphic is a second photo our customer shared using the exact same prints in the same space, just with an alternative layout. We’re told they plan to update the space again soon, as their family grows. That’s so exciting! 

Related: 8 Wedding Photos Printed 8 Ways

Gallery Wall of Wedding Photos

Gallery Wall Layout Idea Template for 10 Frames

Gallery Wall Layout Using 10 Photos in Different Sizes

Large Prints, Large Impact

Gallery walls can be created using any number of prints. Some people prefer the look of combining several prints in various sizes, others love to combine photos with artwork and other pieces of decor, while still others like to decorate their space with just two or three large prints, like the example below.

 Photo Gallery Wall with Three Large Prints

Photo Gallery Wall Layout Idea for Three Large Prints

Corner Office Gallery Wall

Expanding your gallery wall to be on more than one wall is another great idea that can look fantastic in spaces where the furniture is near a corner wall, whether that’s a crib in a nursery, a oversized recliner in a living room, or a corner office desk, like in this example below. 

 Gallery Wall of Photos in Home Office

Gallery Wall Layout Idea Using 12 Photos in Different Sizes

Gallery Wall Ideas & Layouts

There are endless ways you can create a gallery wall, and there really is no right or wrong way to do it, which is one of the reasons why they’re such a fantastic way to decorate! You can mix and match photos with artwork, include colour images with black and whites, have frames in various sizes and colours, or choose to have them all exactly the same. Even better, you can add to the gallery wall as time goes on, or break it up to display the pieces in separate locations in your home. Whatever your decor style and preference is, we hope these ideas help inspire you to create your own gallery wall. Of course, we would also love to help you create those special pieces too! We offer a large variety of photo art products—all of which are made in Canada from our Toronto location—so are confident we can offer something that’s perfect for your own gallery wall design. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our amazing support team, they’re more than happy to help!

Keep reading: 5 Helpful Tips for Creating a Gallery Wall of Family Photos

Create Your Own Photo Art Now

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