At a glance
What's the difference between our 3 Photo Book options?
Our most premium book
Our best selling book
Our most economical book
Custom printed, Leather, or Linen Cover
Custom printed hardcover, professionally bound
Custom printed softcover, with a protective gloss finish
Extra thick 200 pound matte photo paper for a premium look and feel
Sturdy 100 pound photo paper for a quality look and feel
Sturdy 100 pound photo paper for a quality look and feel
20 pages included, add up to 60 additional pages (extra fee applies)
20 pages included, add up to 100 additional pages (extra fee applies)
20 pages included, add up to 100 additional pages (extra fee applies)
Layflat Photo Books
- The premium Posterjack layflat photo book, with wonderfully thick pages and high-end photo printing. Made in Canada.
- Sturdy 200 pound matte photo paper for a premium look and feel
- Choice of three cover styles (Photo Wrap, Leather, or Linen)
- 20 pages included, add up to 60 additional pages (extra fee applies)
Hardcover Photo Books
- The classic Posterjack Photo Book, made-in-Canada with sturdy construction and paired with premium photo printing.
- Hardcover, professionally bound with custom printed cover
- 20 pages included, add up to 100 additional pages (extra fee applies)
Softcover Photo Books
- The economical Posterjack Photo Book, made-in-Canada for superior value and premium photo printing.
- Our Softcover Photo Books are perfect when you want to assemble your memories in a book, but don’t require the bulk or expense of a hardcover book.
- 20 pages included, add up to 100 additional pages (extra fee applies)
- Sturdy 100 pound photo paper for a quality look and feel